"Snow White" is one of the most beloved children's fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. This magical story is highly appreciated by modern children, despite being written in the 19th century. Snow White's story is about good and evil, friendship and hatred, and love. Snow White is a lovely and kind girl who captivates everyone she meets with her gentle and beautiful personality.
Many people know the story of a princess who befriends seven dwarfs, deals with a wicked stepmother, and wakes up from a magical sleep. This is a story about the struggle between good and evil, love and hatred. The fairy tale is about good triumphing over evil, kindness winning over cruelty, and friendship and love overcoming hostility and malice. The tale teaches overcoming difficulties, being virtuous and sincere, and believing in the victory of good and love. The beautifully illustrated cardboard book will surely become a favorite fairy tale for young readers.