Australian writer Heather Morris's debut novel explores love, faith, and inner strength in overcoming challenges. The story is based on true events. In 1942, Lali Sokolov and Gita Furman crossed paths within the confines of the Auschwitz concentration camp. As Gita's tattoo faded, Lali felt a strong desire for a new identification number. It was love at first sight. Young people faced hardships and separation, but ultimately enjoyed a joyful reunion and 56 years of happy marriage. Their love story was recorded by Heather Morris from the words of Lali himself, whom the author met by chance in 2003. This meeting changed the destinies of both. Feeling Gieser's trust, the elderly man dared to tell her the most intimate details of Leilahis life during the Holocaust. Giser initially wrote Lala's story as a successful screenplay before adapting it into her debut novel, The Tattoo Artist of Auschwitz. "The history of mankind is a history of wars, terrible losses, but also love. Without her, our family would have ceased to exist a long time ago. When it comes to the Second World War, many of us ask ourselves the question: How did people manage to survive it? Where did our grandparents get the strength to go on? "The Tattooist of Auschwitz" gives the answer: because they had hope, they loved against everything.